The initial results from the PolyScan database are in and we are excited to share the first polyphenols trends for the 2021 vintage focusing on:
- White: Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay
- Rosé
Measures originate from Languedoc, Bordeaux, Gascony, Provence, Spain and the United States and are reported as:
- PhenOx = total polyphenols
- EasyOx = easily oxidizable compounds (hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins, etc.)
Sauvignon blanc juices
From the first Sauvignon Blanc juices, we observed a stronger representation of the 300-400 class, a class lower than the median of the grape variety. This reflects a vintage with lower polyphenol levels than previous vintages. Juices in this class are generally less tannic and need less fining / hyperoxygenation.
Nevertheless, measurements with significant PhenOx (800-900) are present with a greater occurrence than in recent vintages. It reflects undoubtedly the vintage heterogeneity.
Chardonnay juices
Like Sauvignon Blanc juices, Chardonnay’s musts main class corresponds to lower PhenOx values than past vintages. As with Sauvignon Blanc juices, strong values are observed with greater frequency than other vintages, a sign of the heterogeneity of this vintage.
Rosés juices
The 2021 vintage PhenOx measures do not differ from previous vintages and the content distributions are equivalent.
On the other hand, EasyOx classes with values above the median are over-represented for the 2021 vintage. Anthocyanins contribute to the signal of the EasyOx index and the first juices of the 2021 vintage have higher levels of anthocyanins. Color management during press juices separation or pre-fermentative treatments will be key on these juices.
Again, we are happy to share this preliminary data, invite you to ask questions, and are available to assist you in interpreting your results. Contact-us.